Voices of Impact

Inspiring Change

President Award Winner Transforms Community: Sonal's Journey with Vedanta Foundation

Former Vedanta P.G. Reengus student, Sonal, once received the prestigious President Award as a Young Ranger, crediting Vedanta Foundation's academic and extracurricular support. Today, she's an inspirational figure, running a school that empowers young minds. Sonal's story mirrors Vedanta Foundation's commitment to education and empowerment, showcasing its transformative impact. Her journey epitomizes the ripple effect of investing in individuals' potentials, echoing Vedanta Foundation's ethos of shaping futures and creating change. Sonal's dedication illuminates how one person, empowered by education, can uplift an entire community, underscoring the profound impact of initiatives like Vedanta Foundation's. .

Sukla's Exceptional Journey: From Tea Stall to Data Entry Executive

Sukla Mondal, from a struggling family reliant on a tea stall, found hope in Vedanta Foundation's affordable computer courses. Completing the D.C.A. course, he secured a Data Entry job, earning Rs. 13000 monthly at Kandi B.D.O Office. Despite his job, Sukla pursues higher secondary education through distance learning, showcasing his dedication to self-improvement. Sukla's story illustrates the transformative impact of education and opportunity, breaking the chains of poverty. Grateful to Vedanta Foundation, he embodies resilience and determination in shaping a brighter future.

Breaking Barriers: Vedanta P.G. Girls' College Alumna Nisha Kanwar Shines in Para World Cup

Nisha Kanwar, an alumna of Vedanta P.G. Girls' College, achieves remarkable success, clinching Double Gold and Bronze medals in the Para World Cup. Her triumph not only showcases exceptional talent but also serves as a beacon of hope for women in remote areas like Rajasthan. As a shooting champion, Nisha breaks barriers and inspires others to pursue their dreams, emphasizing the importance of empowering women to reach their full potential. Her journey exemplifies the transformative impact of education and determination, echoing Vedanta P.G. Girls' College's commitment to nurturing future leaders and breaking the glass ceiling.

Vedanta Foundation's Afghan Scholar Zainab Tarakay Inspires Global Resilience

Zainab Tarakay, a Vedanta College Kolkata scholar, epitomizes resilience amid strife. From Afghanistan's Ghazni province, she champions women's rights against Taliban threats. Stranded in India, Zainab persists in her educational journey, empowered by Vedanta Foundation's Shiksha initiative. Her narrative transcends boundaries, embodying the unwavering human spirit. Zainab's odyssey underscores education's transformative force amidst chaos. Approaching graduation, her story becomes a beacon for all confronting oppression. Zainab Tarakay, Vedanta Foundation's luminary, kindles a universal flame of hope amid darkness.

Transforming Dreams into Reality: Meet Shubham Jaisawar, the Resilient Trailblazer

Shubham Jaisawar refused to let setbacks derail his journey. Rejected by job markets post-night college, he found his lifeline in Vedanta Vocational Courses. Fueled by English Communication and Digital Literacy programs at Vedanta Vocational Training Center, backed by the Anil Agarwal Foundation, Shubham soared. Today, he shines as a success story at CMA CGM Global Business Services, earning 18,000 rupees monthly. Beyond financial independence, Shubham empowers his siblings' education. His mantra? "Extra effort fuels career triumphs." Shubham Jaisawar embodies resilience and determination, a beacon of hope for all.

Ruchika Kalan's Journey from Vocational Training to Entrepreneurial Success

Ruchika Kalan, a Vedanta Vocational Training Centre alumna, epitomizes determination. With support from the Anil Agarwal Foundation, she mastered the Tally ERP 9 course, igniting her path to success. Today, Ruchika stands tall as a symbol of self-reliance. Not only does she bolster her family's income, but she also thrives as a dynamic entrepreneur, managing diverse projects with finesse. Ruchika's evolution exemplifies Vedanta Foundation's commitment to empowerment and opportunity. Her story resonates as a testament to the Foundation's vision of fostering economic growth and self-sufficiency within communities.